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The Invicta Lithium brand provides endurance and ultimate power in the harshest of environments as well as protects against unwanted power failure.

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Invicta Lithium Power Station

Invicta Power Station

Designed with versatility in mind, the Invicta Power Station gives you 12 outlet points for DC and AC accessories to connect your home appliances easily. With a mix of DC ports, including USB A, USB C, Car Socket, and DC5521, supply anything from 5V to 24V depending on the application’s requirements.

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LIthium Charger

Invicta Lithium Chargers

Invicta lithium chargers are a purpose-built device specifically designed to match the Invicta charge profile. Also available in IP67 rated models

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Invicta Touch Interface

Invicta Touch Interface

Invicta Touch Interface is a specialised indicating instrument designed for use with Invicta Xero batteries. Based on RS485 communication, it provides detailed information on battery status, including voltage, current, remaining capacity, temperature, and configuration settings.

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Invicta Monitors

Invicta's range of battery monitors and applications for ensuring your battery is operating at its peak performance.

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Invicta Lithium

The Invicta Lithium brand is owned and distributed exclusively by Sealed Performance Batteries. All Invicta products are sourced from only high-quality manufacturers and backed by the Sealed Performance Batteries name synonymous with consistency and quality. The Invita brand provides endurance and ultimate power in the harshest of environments as well as protects against unwanted power failure.

The Invicta range includes high-quality and performance, competitively priced batteries across a number of technologies for a wide range of applications.
Current products under the Invicta brand includes:

Invicta Lithium

Invicta Lithium is a premium range of the highest quality Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) composition.  Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) was selected for our Invicta range due to its inherent safety features.

When comparing LiFePO4 to other Lithium technologies there are some distinct safety advantages. These advantages include greater tolerance to both high temperatures and abuse such as overcharging, short circuit and penetration. As a result of these features the risk of fire is extremely low even under harsh circumstances.

As well as utilising LiFePO4 technology, the Invicta lithium range of batteries also includes a built in Battery Monitoring System (BMS) to further protect against over charge / discharge, over temperature as well as managing internal cell balancing which is critical for the safety of the battery and all of this in flame retardant casing. As an added benefit, Phosphate is not a hazardous material and so is friendly both to the environment and health.

The Invicta range comes with all the benefits of LiFePO4 composition in either the standard 12V SLA case sizes and 24V sizes for larger applications.

The Invicta brand is one of the only Lithium products on the market to carry IEC Certification for both the BMS and Cell combination.

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See the Invicta Starter Hybrid Fitment Guide

How To Parallel A Battery

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